dimanche 15 décembre 2013

star tart with almond hazelnut and vanillin

For the sponge:
     3 eggs
     Sugar 100 g
     + 100 g flour slightly for mold
     40 g hazelnut powder
     40 g almonds
     ½ packet of yeast
     100 g butter + a little for the mold
     1 pinch of salt
     For the cream:
     Sugar 85 g
     ½ clove of vanillin


Preheat the oven 6 (180 °).Prepare the cake . Melt the butter and let it cool .Separate egg whites from yolks . Put the yolks in a bowl, add the sugar and place the bowl over a bain marie. Beat with an electric mixer until the mixture doubles in volume. Remove the bowl from the water bath and continue to whisk until completely cooled .Sift the flour, baking powder and salt over the bowl and mix gently with a spatula. Then pour the butter mesh mixing. Then add powder almonds and hazelnuts.Grease and flour a mold shaped like a star . Pour the batter in and bake 30 minutes.Meanwhile , prepare the cream. Pour 130 grams of water in a saucepan. Add the sugar and vanilla , stir and bring to boil. Boil for 3 minutes and remove from heat. Remove the vanilla.In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks until frothy and pour syrup net whisking until completely cooled . Then stir in the softened butter and the almond and hazelnut powder . Mix well. Fill a bag shower smooth and keep aside.Remove the sponge from the oven, unmold it onto a wire rack and let cool. Then cut in half horizontally and top surface of the lower portion of cream. Replace the top over and place in the fridge until serving.Garnish with almonds.

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