mardi 25 juin 2013

cupcake recipe

for the ones who don't know it ,the cupcake is kind of biscuit the most famous in the world especially in brazil and what makes it  nice is the decoration you can make any decoration you want .it takes in preparation 20 min and in cooking  
30 min 
ingredients :
For cakes 2 eggs
125 g powdered sugar
125 g flour with yeast
125 g soft butter

100 g candied fruit
For the frosting
150g icing sugar
2 cl Lemon Juice
For the cake:
Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
Prepare muffin cups with paper liners on the inside.
Melt the butter. Cut the candied fruit into small pieces.
Using an electric whisk, beat the eggs and sugar until light and smooth. Gradually add the butter, whisking constantly, then add the flour and finally the candied fruit with gentle mixing.
When the dough is smooth and homogeneous, half fill the molds and bake for 15 minutes.
Wait to unmold and let cool on a rack.
For the icing:
Mix the icing sugar and lemon juice gradually to achieve a bright and soft dough.
Using a spoon or spatula, icing the cupcakes and sprinkle with snowflakes sugar or colored sugar pearls.

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