vendredi 28 juin 2013


this bread from italian kitchen it's so delicious it takes in preparation 20 min and in cooking 30 min the quantity is enough for 3 people.
ingredients :
Ingredients for the dough:
- 250 g white flour 
- 5 cl of olive oil
- 12 g of fresh baker's yeast
- 15 ounces of warm water
- 1 teaspoon salt
Ingredients for the topping:
- 200 g cream cheese with garlic and herbs

- 120 grams of canned mushrooms Paris
- 1 tablespoon milk
- Some black olives
- Olive oil
In a bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water.
In a large bowl, pour the flour, salt and olive oil. Add water with yeast. Mix everything, do not hesitate to do it by hand.
Knead the dough on a work plan for 10-15 minutes if done in the food processor until the dough is smooth.
Put the dough in the bowl, cover with a clean cloth and allow push 1h in a warm place.
After this time, degas the dough by pressing it with your fist. Cut the dough into 6 equal pieces. Boulez the dough giving them an oval shape and let rest 10 minutes.
Place the balls of pasta on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and flatten them. (the foccacia must have a thickness of 1 cm).
In a bowl mix the cheese and spoon of milk to give it a spreadable texture and brush with the foccacia. Place the sliced ​​mushrooms over Paris and decorate everything with black olives.
Let stand 40 min in a place at room temperature.
Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
Put foccacias the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
At the exit of the oven, pour a drizzle of olive oil on each foccacia and enjoy them with a good salad.

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