mardi 18 juin 2013

delicious moussaka recipe

the recipe is useful for dinner it
 contains some of vegetable and
 beef  which makes it complete takes 10min in preparetion 
and 45 min  in cooking and its for 4 people.
500g lean minced lamb, beef
1 onion, chopped (250g)

340g jar tomato and basil sauce
600g potatoes, thinly sliced
1 medium egg, beaten
200g low fat Greek yoghurt
75g Cheddar cheese, grated
Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6.
Fry the mince and onion in a large saucepan for 5 mins. Drain off excess juices. Add the sauce and cook for 1 min.
Place half the potatoes in the base of a 2 litre ovenproof dish, top with the mince and then layer the remaining potatoes on top.
Mix together the egg and yoghurt and spread over the potatoes. Sprinkle over the cheese and bake for 40-45 mins until golden.

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