vendredi 28 juin 2013

makrout rolled

this recipe takes in preparation 20 min and in  cooking 30 min and the quantity is enough for 10 people .
ingredients :
500 g caster

120 g flour
Sugar 100 g
2 cups oil
Glass ½ teaspoon lemon juice
½ glass of rose water tea

Water to scoop the batter
100 g date paste (Ghars)
50 g of sesame seeds
Mix in a bowl, cornmeal, flour, sugar and oil.
Meanwhile, prepare the syrup by mixing water with the sugar, rose water and lemon juice.
Roll out the dough on a meal plan work.
Add the paste above dates.
Wrap the two pasta roller.
Cut into slices.
Place each slice in the toasted sesame seeds.
Cook rolled makrout the oven for 30 minutes.
Right out of the oven, pass them in the syrup.
Drain and serve.

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