dimanche 23 juin 2013

cupcake with yogurt and vanilla

try this cupcakes it's easy and delicious 
especially with yogurt and vanilla enjoy it.
yogurt (you keep the pot to measure ingredients), 
mixed with two pots of sugar

then three pots flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 eggs
1/3 of the oil pot,
a pinch of salt
vanilla aroma.
You preheat your oven to 180 degrees. You mix it like a cake with yoghurt in a bowl,
you fill your boxes silicone two-thirds.
And bake about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
Remove from the oven, unmold and let cool on a rack before proceeding to more ...
for icing:
pink, sugar, grape juice and red food coloring (2 drops) I do not weigh I had the consistency I like it when the glaze does not flow as it makes a little 'doughy' like marzipan softened.

yellow, sugar, juice multifruits and 2 drops yellow dye.
the same green but green dye
white: sugar, water and butter vanilla flavor.
and chocolate: dark chocolate melted in the microwave with a spoon dessert coffee liquid plantafin ^ ^ after application and drying light effect bristling 'smeared' to do with a wooden stick.
Eye drawings mouth nose white marzipan.
for decorations we loose candy, beads, sugar

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