vendredi 21 juin 2013

chicken with potatoes recipe

this is my favorite recipe and i want to 
you to try i promise you will never forget 
it it's so delicious the quantity is enough 
for 4 people and it takes in preparation 
20 min and also in cooking 20 min .
ingredients :
2 chicken thighs
1 onion

3 grated cloves of garlic 
2 glasses of water
1 kg of potatoes cut into cubes and fried
1 half bunch of chopped parsley
4 eggs
100 g  cheese cut into cubes
50 g grated cheese
method :
Brown chicken with onion, salt and pepper in hot oil
then moisten with water.
Let cook over low heat until sauce thickens
Bone the chicken then crumble.
In a buttered gratin mold, put a layer of potatoes.
Cover with chicken, cheese and cow kiri half of parsley.
Complete with another layer of potatoes.
Beat the egg omelette with remaining parsley and sauce
pour the mixture into the mold.
Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Make au gratin for 20 minutes
by bonoise-recettes

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