mardi 18 juin 2013

easy egg and tomato sandwich recipe

this recipe so easy and healthy
 in the same time you can 
prepare for your kids in breakfast
 it doesn't take any time enjoy it.
6 pieces bread – can be white or whole wheat 
3 hard boiled eggs – roughly mashed 
2 tbsp relish 
1 tomato – cut into small cubes 

3 tbsp low fat mayo 
Salt and pepper to taste 
Some butter for spreading 
1. Combined the hard boiled eggs, relish, tomato, mayo, salt and pepper. Mix well. 
2. Spread some butter on all the bread and top it with some of the eggs mixture. Spread it out evenly. Stack 3 slices of bread on top of each other. 
3. Trim off the brown edges and cut into half. Serve.

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