all the people around the world like this recipe that's why we want to add it to our recipes .
300g ground almonds
240 g egg whites
500g icing sugar
100g caster sugar
50g cocoa powder
1 - Preheat oven to 180 ° C then turn it off.
Spread the almonds on a baking sheet and place in hot oven for dehumidifying.
2 - Mount the egg whites until stiff, gradually adding the sugar.
Stir in almonds, icing sugar and cocoa powder to the meringue, stirring gently with a wooden spoon to obtain a homogeneous powder and airy dough.
Put the dough in a pastry bag.
3 - On a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the equivalent of a coconut preparation.
Continue until all the batter.
Place the plate in the preheated oven for 8 to the minutes.
4 - At the exit of the oven, let the macaroons cool completely so they harden before removing the plate.
5 - Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie.
Spread a bit of dark chocolate on a button and stick with another, place on parchment paper and let harden.