mercredi 28 août 2013

a new sweet from the art of cooking

1 cup flour
2 cups fine semolina
1/2 spoon coffee spoon of instant yeast baking
2 pinches of salt
1 coffee spoon of baking powder
125 ml oil
240 ml water
500 ml thick syrup
Oil for frying

Make rub semolina, flour, baking powder, salt and oil in your hands.
Add the yeast and mix.
Moisten with warm water to collect the dough, then knead for 2 minutes.
Divide your dough into 45 balls.
Put a ball on the grater and press down with your thumb to flatten.
Make then roll your dough into a shape of a finger.
Finish with the same with the other balls.
Ranger fingers in a tray, cover and let stand for 20 minutes.
Fried in hot oil until they are golden brown.
Dip directly into the cold syrup.

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